
Kimbro West


Kimbro West

Ethan and DeathVer1med.jpg

Coming Soon - check back after Christmas for book 4 of the Ethan Wright series: Ethan Wright and the Cave of Mirrors!

Kimbro West's books on Goodreads
Ethan Wright and the Curse of Silence Ethan Wright and the Curse of Silence
reviews: 19
ratings: 267 (avg rating 3.70)

Ethan Wright and the Alchemist's order Ethan Wright and the Alchemist's order
reviews: 2
ratings: 42 (avg rating 4.12)

Ethan Wright and the Silver Tongue Alchemist, Ethan Wright and the Silver Tongue Alchemist, (Book 3)
reviews: 1
ratings: 22 (avg rating 4.45)

The Pure: To Catch a Fiend The Pure: To Catch a Fiend (Vol 1)
ratings: 4 (avg rating 4.50)

Ethan Wright: The Silver Series, Ethan Wright: The Silver Series, (Books 1-3)
ratings: 2 (avg rating 5.00)

***Ethan Wright and the Silver Tongue Alchemist is now available on Amazon!!!***